National Optics Congress on 30/11 – 1/12
You can find the current version of the program here.
Sign Up Now!
We are proud to invite you to the National Optics Congress 2022 in Aarhus. This year the Danish Optical Society (DOPS), Laserlab and Center for Anvendt Fotonik (CAF) have joined forces to deliver a unique two day experience in Aarhus for everyone working with optics and photonics.
The event will take place on November 30th-December 1st at Navitas on the harbor front.

On the evening of the 30th we will be hosted by ARoS in their rooftop restaurant for a social evening with subsequent entertainment and access to the rainbow panorama.
Expand Your Professional Network
The event will focus on networking and knowledge sharing amongst researchers and engineers from industry and academia.
Share Your Work
We encourage everyone to bring posters showing your work and If you wish to share your work in the form of a poster or a talk please make sure to write a short abstract (no more than 200 words) and submit when you sign up and indicate whether you would like to be offered to present your work as a talk during the conference. The abstract must be submitted before October 21st end of day.
Free Transport from Copenhagen and Odense
Do you need to go from Odense or Copenhagen? We will arrange for buses to take everyone who wishes from Copenhagen and Odense to and from Aarhus, free of charge, just let us know when you sign up. This offer expires on Friday October 28th.
Free All-Inclusive offer for students
If you are a student, we will further arrange for housing during the conference at a hostel in downtown Aarhus, free of charge for students only. Offer expires on Friday October 28th.
As per usual we have a number of awards during the conference, including a poster award, the DOPS junior award and the DOPS senior award. Nominations for the junior and senior awards should be sent to Read more about the awards here DOPS award | Danish Optical Society
Keynote Speakers

Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany)
You can read the speakers biography and abstracts for their talks here: This Years Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers
– Raheleh Hosseinian, Product Development Engineer (PTA Production) at Ibsen Photonics
– Henning Lysdal, VP Photonics Architecture at NVIDIA
– Rasmus Kjær, Sr. Project Manager at 3Shape
Panel Discussion
This year we will two panel discussions on the program.
Current trends in funding. What scientists need to consider in the coming years.
Ph.D. to CEO
Event Information
Date: November 30th -December 1st 2022
Venue: Navitas, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 8000 Aarhus C
Sign up:
Ticket price (includes 1-year membership of DOPS): 750 DKK
PhD Students: 200 DKK
Students: Free
Conference dinner (optional): 250 DKK
We DO NOT arrange accommodation for participants but please find a list of options for accommodation.
Show off your products at the exhibition. You can book your space when signing up for the annual meeting or you can contact DOPS to learn more. Space is limited so first come first serve. An exhibition space costs 3500 DKK.